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Featured Projects

Digital Government Development

Championed by Governor Ned Lamont, the State of Connecticut embarks on a digital transformation journey, aiming to become the first fully digital government in the nation. Keeping residents and businesses informed about these service enhancements is crucial.

This video, part of a larger campaign I managed, showcases Connecticut's digitalization efforts. Featured in this segment is Josh Geballe, former Chief Operating Officer of the State of Connecticut and Commissioner of the Department of Administrative Services.

Mask-ot Campaign

In 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) identified a need for communications reinforcing important safety practices - social distancing, hand sanitization, and mask-wearing - on public transportation. AECOM partnered with CTDOT to address this need, resulting in the creation of the award-winning "Mask-ot Campaign."

The campaign featured popular mascots from major universities and sports teams across the state, joined by Connecticut Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz, all demonstrating safe behaviors on and around public transportation. By involving these recognizable community figures, the campaign effectively communicated the message of shared responsibility: "we're all on the same team."

I led this initiative from its initial concept to final publication, managing stakeholder engagement, scripting, media placement, and campaign analytics. The resulting series of five video advertisements has garnered hundreds of thousands of cross-channel viewers to date.

Health + Human Services Recruitment Campaign

Nationwide, health and human services workers were scarce, creating a workforce challenge for the State of Connecticut. We developed a multi-channel advertising recruitment campaign to address this issue. Our simple yet powerful goal was to elevate the State of Connecticut as a top employer in the health and human services field.

The video advertisement showcased here is one of several commercials I directed and distributed across television and digital platforms.


The campaign also spanned print, radio, and other digital spaces, culminating in:

  • Over 15,000 applications: A significant increase in potential candidates.

  • A 24% jump in job board visits: Demonstrating increased interest in open positions.

  • More than 20 million impressions: Highlighting the campaign's reach and impact.

Modernizing Government Services

Waiting Together, Apart

Forgot Your Mask? Just Ask!

What Does It Take?

CTrides Rebranding Initiative

CTrides, the Connecticut Department of Transportation's commuter services program, experienced immense growth between 2017 and 2020. Under AECOM's management, this expansion led to a brand identity disparity, making it challenging for CTrides to effectively serve its diverse audience of residents and businesses.

I led the creation of two integrated campaigns, from brand vision and tone of voice to design and illustration styles, encompassing collateral, digital, out-of-home, website, radio, and more. Recognizing the need for increased brand awareness, I developed a tagline that served as a higher-order descriptor: "Fewer cars. Better air. Healthier lives."

This rebranding effort continues to bear fruit, contributing to three statewide multimedia advertising campaigns exceeding $5 million in value. By 2021, CTrides saw website visits skyrocket, social media engagement exploded by 300%, and hundreds of Connecticut businesses join as partners.

As the leading force behind this rebranding effort, I oversaw all mediums, including the new website, B2B and B2C brochures, and managing the creation of a dedicated illustration suite.

CTrides Website
B2B Brochure
B2C Brochure

Along the Lines Podcast

When the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) wanted to reach new audiences, get ahead of the news, and proactively reach Connecticut residents, the Along the Lines podcast was born.

Hosted by Bureau Chief for Public Transportation at CTDOT, Rich Andreski, Along the Lines engages the community and fellow transportation advocates to discuss how public transportation impacts residents' daily lives in Connecticut. Rich and special guests explore current issues impacting travel across the state, and the future of Connecticut’s transportation system.

I led efforts in the marketing and promotion of the podcast as well as scriptwriting, guest solicitation, and topic selection. The podcast ranks in the top 50% for downloads of podcasts nationally.

Along the Lines Podcast Cover (1).gif

Tune in to hear the latest episodes:


CTrides News Roundup

In an effort to expand CTDOT's reach digitally, I spearheaded an email marketing campaign dubbed the CTrides News Roundup which features the top transportation news stories statewide. This monthly email shares stories that are curated to be relevant to the initiatives and mission of CTDOT.

In conjunction with the development of the News Roundup, I spearheaded strategies to increase the number of subscribers to the CTrides email list, including but not limited to the implementation of sign-up forms on the CTrides website. The initiatives I directed grew the subscriber list by 35k+ subscribers.


News Roundup.jpg

Social Media Management

I successfully manage 13 different social media accounts across Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for the Connecticut Department of Transportation. Brands managed include CTrail Hartford Line, CTrides, CTrail Shore Line East, and CTfastrak.

While utilizing social media management platforms (SMS), like Sprout Social and Hootsuite, tremendous growth has been seen. The following increases have occurred across platforms from July 2020 to July 2021:


Twitter – 27% increase

Facebook – 17% increase

Instagram – 382.3% increase

LinkedIn – 202.1% increase


Twitter – 28.3% increase
Facebook – 80% increase
Instagram – 22% increase
LinkedIn – 278.3% increase

Video Views:
Twitter – 30.7% increase

Facebook – 1,773.4% increase
Instagram – 43.1% increase

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Featured Events

2019 Transportation Showcase

Lead the planning for this event, which included a partnership with the Hartford Business Journal, solicitation of panelists, event space coordination, cross-marketing partnerships, and promotion via social media, digital, and print advertising.
- Featured Governor Ned Lamont, Mayor Erin Stewart, Mark Ojakian, Dr. Stephen Coan, and Dennis House

- Included over 200 leaders from across Connecticut industries.

- Governor Lamont utilized this platform to announce his CT2030 plan.

Coverage: WNPR, CBS-WFSB, ABC-WTNH, Hartford Courant, CT Public, Hartford Business Journal, CTN

Conscious Capitalism: 'Young Mentors of Business'
- Keynote speaker at an event to discuss Connecticut's brand and how we can effectively communicate it. Other topics of conversation pertained to attraction and retention of talent and business within the State of Connecticut.

'Connecticut in Motion' Webinar Series

- This webinar series hosted hundreds of live attendees with expert panel discussions surrounding the shifts in travel habits, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Connecticut's public transportation system, and conversely the impact of public transportation on COVID-19. Led the content creation and promotion of the webinar series leading to hundreds of high-profile attendees.

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